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Eating viral watermelon fruit jello

Hi everyone! Welcome to my kitchen! My journey into cooking began many years ago in my mother’s kitchen, and back then, I needed a stool to reach the countertop. My go-to dishes were bacon, burgers, and brownies. Several years later, I embarked on a transition to a vegetarian and eventually a plant-based diet. During that period, very few people were familiar with the term “vegan,” and resources were scarce. At the time, I believed that adopting a vegan lifestyle meant giving up the foods I loved, which made the process quite challenging.

Over time, I discovered and developed recipes that were just as satisfying to eat as my old favorites and left me feeling much better both inside and out. For those of you seeking to incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet and embrace a healthier way of living, I hope this website can serve as a valuable resource for you!

Much love, 


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